
Bonusquote: hoe policor onder studenten moorddadig begint te worden

05-10-2015 14:47

“I witnessed something genuinely disturbing at Trinity College Dublin last night: trendy, middle-class, liberal students cheering and whooping a man who had just given the closest thing I have yet heard to a justification for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo.

So, somewhat impertinently — hey, I was pretty angry by this point — I interjected: ‘This is an apology for murder.’ His response? To accuse me of racism. To suggest that, like the rest of the media, I was treating Muslims as ‘brown savages’.

But the audience at last night’s debate was not part of any cynical, self-styled community group. They were young. They were mainly liberals. They were pretty cool. Some were painfully PC. And yet some of them — a significant chunk of them — cheered Bukhari’s explanation for the Charlie killers’ actions, and applauded his suggestion that my question must have been motivated by racism.

It provided a glimpse into the inhumanity of political correctness. The PC gang always claim they’re just being nice; it’s just ‘institutionalised politeness’, they say. Yet at Trinity last night I saw where today’s intolerance of offence and obsession with Safe Spacing minorities from difficult ideas can lead: to an agreeable nod of the head when it is suggested that it’s understandable when poor, victimised Muslims murder those who offended them.

Nice? Polite? Please. Political correctness is murderous.”


Yep. Leden van de blanke, rijke, elitaire, aan prestigieuze universiteiten studerende millennialgeneratie die staan te juichen omdat de redactie van Charlie Hebdo is afgeslacht. Het is allemaal gaande. In Groot-Britannië, in Amerika, maar ook in Nederland.

Policor is een misdaad is een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid. En het wordt alleen maar erger.